The Youth

Okay friends! As we know, adolescence problem is important problem beginning from mature until transtition period. The attention we must emphasize is giving guidence and supervision with increasing construction for them moreover filling their transtition period times with something wich are possitive matters.
By seeing explanation that clearly young generation must be aimed in two matters.
1.       First, science including general science and religion one.
2.       Second, pious to Allah that includes belief, religious service and the noble character.
To overcome less laudable things, we must buildand guide adolescent with noble education or behaviour like physical education, craft and the others.
There are three kinds of education environment.
1  1.       Education in family.
2  2.       Education environtment in school.
3  3.       Education at society.
It is very clearly adolescent in their daily take hold of importance rule in the middle of society and nation generation.
And we suggest and confirm once more the rising generation, let’s key up to look for the science as a material or capital at all appointed and performed as aleader.
By : Rheni_elhanief#Ngapakers

